Author Topic: Viper CTR question  (Read 30411 times)


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      ・Viper CTR
Re: Viper CTR question
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2011, 08:48:48 am »
There's still some parts of this that don't make too much sense to me:


You're pretty loose for a hard-headed woman.

I'm not really sure if that's what this is supposed to mean. It was the best translation I could make out of it, but it doesn't really seem to fit the conversation exactly. Google translate came up with this:
"Let say I'm only this enthusiastic, I'll become a woman of loose."
But since this is Osamu talking he's obviously not saying that he'll become a loose woman.


I heard something funny about this guy. . .


He almost died from another man over this woman. And he cheated on her with you.


What are you talking about?


You didn't think I'd know that about you?

This part seems a little weird to me. This is when Osamu is listening or watching the video of Captain and Asuka. The reason is mostly because of Miki's reply. It seems more likely that she's saying "What are you planning" or "What are you going to do?" Also Osamu's reply doesn't seem right. I think it may be something more along the lines of "Don't you know?" But I can't figure out the second part.


I'll pull her into position.

This actually comes up in the translator as "Innovation alley-oop." Which just doesn't sound right at all . . . This is the part right after the gang member raped Miki in the doggy style and her pulls her up.


And put it in, but with gates that later.
White in the end we as a people.(?)

This part just confuses me. Osamu seems to be telling the guy not to cum inside Miki, but the translation just seems a little weird. Even when the words are changed for the alternatives that they could be translated into, this still doesn't seem to come out as a clear statement.


Next, let's not over do it.

I understand the first part actually means "Good" or "Alright", but the second part of this doesn't come clearly. It doesn't seem right that he's saying not to over do it since they're raping Miki. . .


I was next, but you had your back to me. . .


And even then this video is suppressed.

The actual translation that came up for this is "Me, but I found the chest behind" and "And yes, even the painting specialized pressed down." What a painting has to do with what's going on beats me. . .


(Dickward) or (Motherfucker) get something clear!

This one is actually just kind of funny to me, Google translator actually translates てめぇ as "Dickward" and the alternative is "Motha fucker". Just thought that was funny.


Because it's over nothing, you know I'll assert myself.

It seems a little weird that Osamu would be saying that "it's over nothing". I understand that he's saying that he'll assert himself or something to that effect, but I can't get a good idea of the first part.