Forum > Features Request

Forum naming

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Its time to rename the "New Forum Testing Center".  The subforums are neither new nor used for testing anymore (except for maybe the Lab)

I offer "Washington Mall" as a name replacement.  It fits the catch-all mold.

Make it so!


--- Quote from: JG00 on February 26, 2008, 11:26:57 pm ---Its time to rename the "New Forum Testing Center".  The subforums are neither new nor used for testing anymore (except for maybe the Lab)

I offer "Washington Mall" as a name replacement.  It fits the catch-all mold.

--- End quote ---

Now wait a minute there JG, I think you should shop around for some other ideas too, don't wanna escalate any drama that might be in store.

I'm open to other suggestions.  Last time I renamed something on my own around here quite a few of the regulars called for my head on a platter.

Considering we haven't heard any objections so far it should be safe to do so and if not I'll back you up 100%.


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