Author Topic: The Devil Came  (Read 4222 times)


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The Devil Came
« on: October 03, 2013, 08:22:17 pm »
okay I have a little translation . thats the part just after the monologue

【悪 魔】よばれてとびでてジャジャジャジャーン
When I am called, I came Zaza Ta-da

A...are you the devil?...

【悪 魔】そうよ、私を呼び出したってことは何か願いがあるんでしょう? 何でもかなえてあげるわ。
Even if I am, do you have some wishes? I will grant you anything


【悪 魔】本当よ。
It is true.


【悪 魔】ちょっとまって、このポーズだとつかれるから違うポーズにするわね。
Wait a minute, I will just change pose because I am tired.

【悪 魔】さ、いいわよ。 何がお望み?
Now, I am good. What is yout wish?

uh, ehh.

(What is good?)

【小川君】うーん、そうだなー。 誰からいじめてやろうかな~。
(Mmm, that's right. Who should I bullied?)

(What is good?)

【小川君】やっぱあいつかな~あいつに殴られた恨みは忘れられん! いや、しかし、あいつにやられた精神的なショックもけっこうヘビーなものはあったし
(After all what that guy did to me, that grude is unforgettable! But,no, he had an heavy mental shock.)

【悪 魔】まぁだ?
Are you okay?

Oh...wa..wait a minute...

(What is good?)

【小川君】むう・・・し・・・しかし・・・この悪魔・・・想像してたよりずいぶん可愛い女の子が出て来たな・・・け・ ・けっこう体つきもやらしいし・・・
hmph...b...but...this quite a lovely girl out of my dream..a...also she have quite a body.

【悪 魔】願い事は決まった?
Has your wish been decided?

【小川君】え? あ・・・そ・・・そうだね・・・何でもいいんだっけ?
What? Oh...r...right...anything is good?

Anything is good.

(What is good?)

【小川君】そっかぁ・・・何でもいいのかぁ・・・・ナニでもいいのかなぁ・・考えてみれば、俺の部屋の中に女の子と2 人だけというシチュエーションは初めてだ・・・
(Is that can be anything....what can be good..if you think about it, there is a girl in my room, and that the first time it occurs...)

Um..Well, let's do it.

(What is good?)

and I have also another small part

【小川君】ま・・まだ大丈夫・・・やれます! やらせて下さい!
I..I am still okay...I can do it! Let me do it!

【悪 魔】あたし監督じゃないわよ。
I am not the one who decide.

【小川君】い・・いや、つい言葉の流れで・・・ just a way of talking...

(Stil, I don't want to end it here, and don't put it in... )

(Although it is painful to stay hard in succession..This kind of chance may not happen twice...if I don't do it now I will regret it... Until the day I die!!)

I tried my best. What's your thought about it?