Sogna Digital Museum Forum

Non-Sogna/VIPER Discussion => Anime Discussion => Topic started by: tetsaru arigashi on June 28, 2006, 08:04:20 pm

Title: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on June 28, 2006, 08:04:20 pm
hey guys, tetsaru here.  JG00 found and showed me a nanako art book on sale on eBay for around $25-$35 dollars or so.  here's the link: (

the sale ends in a few days, and i'd REALLY, REALLLLLLY like to get my hands on this, but alas, i have no means of buying anything online, not to mention i'm currently broke.

so, i'm proposing a little contest for you guys.  here's the deal:  if someone actually manages to purchase this art book and is willing to mail it to me, then PM me with an image of you actually holding the book to prove you have it, and i will send you my mailing address and set up a way for me to send my ENTIRE collection of hentai that is on my computer to you.  that's right - all my pictures, episodes, movies, manga, .gifs - all of it.  either that, or i will try to negotiate a deal that will best please whoever was nice enough to get this for me.

however, if by chance someone already has this book and will scan the images from the book and send them to me, i will establish a similar deal to find them a particular hentai or something they've been looking for, etc., but not my ENTIRE collection.  i just feel that if someone is nice enough to actually spend $30+ dollars on me, i should reward them in some way.  and right now, this is about the only way i know how to, unless maybe you guys are interested in some old nintendo roms, as i have a pretty good collection of them too that i'm willing to trade.

well guys, there you have it.  is anyone up to this?
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: importgamer13 on June 28, 2006, 09:27:04 pm
Normally i would,i think i can trust you,(I buy tons of stuff on Ebay)however i'm broke at the moment.Plus,i don't have a digital camera and we only use dispoable cameras and i don't have a scanner...but if i had the money,i would have done it.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: JG on June 28, 2006, 10:43:45 pm
Tetsaru, see if you can dig up some sample page images or some other info on it for us.  If it had alot of unique artwork in it (ie, stuff thats not in the ova or artwork we've already seen) I'd consider it, but it would suck to spend money on it and not get anything new out of it.  I'm worried its heavy on the episode guide, interviews and goods list, and too light on the eye candy.  If I were to consider it, I'd need some kind of assurance it was worth the investment, as I don't have the attachment to Amazing Nurse Nanako that you do.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on June 29, 2006, 06:30:24 pm
Tetsaru, see if you can dig up some sample page images or some other info on it for us.  If it had alot of unique artwork in it (ie, stuff thats not in the ova or artwork we've already seen) I'd consider it, but it would suck to spend money on it and not get anything new out of it.  I'm worried its heavy on the episode guide, interviews and goods list, and too light on the eye candy.  If I were to consider it, I'd need some kind of assurance it was worth the investment, as I don't have the attachment to Amazing Nurse Nanako that you do.

sounds fair enough.  i'm not the best at probing for information, but i'll try to investigate this art book a little further when/if i can.

btw, to everyone reading this - don't feel that you should have to go out of your way just for me.  most likely i will not be able to get this; however, i DID manage to get my last paycheck from wal-mart today, so maybe my parents can hook me up somehow, i dunno...
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on June 29, 2006, 07:36:59 pm
well, i did a little digging around, and i found out that something called the "Nanako's Secret Collection Catalog" was included with a limited edition version of the box set dvd for the series.  however, i haven't confirmed if this is the same "art book" that was being sold on eBay...

as far as images go, i only came up with these two, and they're not that impressive...  =/ ( (
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: BIG-K14 on June 29, 2006, 10:44:22 pm
Tell me if the stuff is any good when you buy it and done looking at it
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on June 29, 2006, 11:11:55 pm
hey guys, i've decided not to ask any of you to try to purchase this for me.  i'm starting to feel that it was rather rude of me to offer such a request anyway.  i'll just try to do my best to obtain it on my own, i guess.  maybe my parents will let me use their credit card or something, i dunno - i'll figure something out.  sorry to bug you guys.  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: ROMate on June 29, 2006, 11:28:37 pm
Bah, it's fine. I've asked Hyperguy to buy me a few things off eBay and other online stores, and I paid him back every cent.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on June 29, 2006, 11:41:49 pm
Bah, it's fine. I've asked Hyperguy to buy me a few things off eBay and other online stores, and I paid him back every cent.

well, that's what i'm afraid of - not being able to properly reimburse you guys.  i just don't like being indebted to people when there's not much i can do about it, that's all...  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 02, 2006, 01:05:53 am
MWAHAHAA!!!  guys, don't worry about it - luckily, the seller of that art book accepts money orders, and i just placed a bid on it.  now, i just have to wait...  and hope no one else bids on it...  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: JG on July 02, 2006, 07:44:00 am
Yay for tetsaru!  You are still obligated to make scans of unique stuff for us though.  I mean, I did find it for you and all. :smalltran
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 02, 2006, 02:44:15 pm
all right, fair enough.  when/if i get it, i'll be sure to scan the pages, or at least take some digital photos of them.  >=D
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 03, 2006, 03:18:29 am

i am proud to report that i have SUCCESSFULLY won the auction for the nanako art book!  as soon as i can send in a money order for it and then receive it, i'll be sure to scan the pages for you guys!

oh yeah - thanks to JG00 for showing that book to me in the first place, and to importgamer13 for helping me get started on eBay!  i'm sending some rep your way, guys!
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Kiinan Yamasu on July 03, 2006, 04:38:00 am
Don't forget to thank me for not having the money to buy it myself, thus ensuring I didn't outbid you.  :bigtran
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 03, 2006, 05:23:10 am
Don't forget to thank me for not having the money to buy it myself, thus ensuring I didn't outbid you.  :bigtran

lol, ok - thanks, ZeroVirus.  hell, i guess i'll give you some rep as well.  >=P
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Onemillioneyes on July 07, 2006, 03:03:38 am
This topic is neither big, or boobie.
It is talky.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Ellendesu on July 07, 2006, 09:49:20 am
This topic is neither big, or boobie.
It is talky.

Actually, it is totally relevant.

Have you seen Amazing Nurse Nanako and related artwork? This is very much Big Boobie related talky.

Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 07, 2006, 07:52:37 pm
okay guys, i've sent in my money orders for the art book and a few other items i saw on eBay (man, i need to start earning money again, lol), including another nanako figure - this time, she's in a bikini!  it's a recast, though (not incredibly good quality), and i'm gonna have to assemble and paint it.  here's a pic from the ad: (

i also ordered a nanako t-shirt, an ff7 dirge of cerberus wall scroll, a darkstalkers felicia poster for my friend, and pre-ordered a disgaea etna figure.  now, i just gotta wait for it all to be delivered...
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 23, 2006, 08:19:08 pm
hmm, it's been about 2 weeks since i bought that art book, and i STILL haven't gotten it yet...  i sent an email to the seller not too long ago, so hopefully i'll have it in this week or so.  sorry for the wait, but i promise i'll show you guys the images as soon as i get the book in...  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: JG on July 24, 2006, 06:00:29 pm
Took about two and a half for mine.  You'll probably get them this week.  Just be patient - it'll be worth the wait.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 24, 2006, 06:20:32 pm
Took about two and a half for mine.  You'll probably get them this week.  Just be patient - it'll be worth the wait.

i know, it's just that i had ordered a few other things on eBay after i had sent in my money order for the art book, and i've already got most of them and had them for a while now...  eh, i guess i'm just anxious to get it since i've been rather bored lately...  =/
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: JG on July 24, 2006, 06:31:08 pm
The stuff comes from Japan.  Its not like he can overnight it without passing along an extra $30 to your charge.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: BIG-K14 on July 24, 2006, 10:12:03 pm
Yeah that would be a waste of money wouldn't it
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 27, 2006, 12:24:06 am
YAAAAY, i finally got it in!!!  ^_^

but damn... it's got about 100 pages i'll have to scan, along with the "obi" and an insert that came with it...  this'll probably take me a few hours to get done.  O_O;

it looks really nice though - it's got a lot of artwork i haven't seen before.  i'll try to get started on the scans sometime tomorrow hopefully, if i don't get caught up in anything else - i'm a bit weary since i stayed up last night and had to travel with my folks out of town today, but i WILL get it done sooner or later...  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: ROMate on July 27, 2006, 12:24:35 am
Good jarb, homestart. =) Glad to hear you're enjoying it.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Kiinan Yamasu on July 27, 2006, 01:57:49 am
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Ellendesu on July 27, 2006, 09:37:47 am

TIME BONUS: 40,000
PENALTY: -50,000
TOTAL SCORE: 290,000
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: BIG-K14 on July 27, 2006, 10:17:06 pm
Sweet!Can't wait to see the book!^_^
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 28, 2006, 02:30:19 am
ARGH, just my luck...  i get my first three images scanned, and then my scanner goes out on me...  guess i'll have to use my digital camera instead.  the pictures may not be as good, but i checked the connections on my scanner and they seem fine... it's just not receiving power.  it IS a rather old scanner (my dad gave it to me from some of his old computer stuff), so maybe it just died on me.  i think my dad's got another useable one stashed away somewhere, so i may try to get it hooked up later.  i know he had a larger one that was about as old as the one i've got now, but my computer wouldn't recognize it for some reason...  man, this sucks ass...  all the more reason for me to save up my money and buy some new, high-performance computer shit...  >_<;

in the meantime, i guess i'll go ahead and upload the three images i DID get, although they're just from the outside cover...  hopefully they can tide you guys over until i can get this issue resolved, because i'd MUCH rather have some scans to show you guys rather than my poor attempts at photos... ( ( (
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on July 28, 2006, 09:19:07 pm
well, i think i figured out what was wrong with my scanner - it just had a short in the power cord somewhere.  i started it up earlier today and got some more images scanned, and it went out on me again a few times, but it was easily fixed by just wiggling the cable a little bit until it stayed on.  i'm about 1/3 of the way done with everything, as it IS still taking a while, but i'll try to keep at it when i'm not feeling lazy or anything...  >_<;  i SHOULD have it all done within the next few days or so (unless something comes up).
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Master of Ridley on August 05, 2006, 01:31:45 am
*nudges topic*
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 08, 2006, 11:07:51 pm

guys, the wait is over... behold, the 100+ scans i have made of the nanako art book, along with its "obi," insert ad, and outside plastic cover!

*holds his breath as he attempts to upload links...*  >_<;

EDIT: I wiped the links in lieu of you posting the one .rar link. , it should make the thread a little easier to navigate, as well as prevent the rather annoying factor of something downloading half of these before they notice that the .rar file is down at the bottom of the thread! So there you go! - The Great Will

anyway, there ya go, guys.  Hyperguy and YTF (if you're still around), you guys have my permission to use these images in your respective galleries if you so desire.  thanks again to JG00 for finding this art book for me in the first place!

tell me what you guys think (if you don't get lost in all those damn links i had to post...)!  rate/rep is always appreciated!  >=D
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Meat on August 09, 2006, 12:19:41 am
I'm glad you got what you wanted and thanks for sharing it with us. Though, it would've been a lot less work for you to just Rapidshare it instead of uploading each image individually.  Anyway, +rep for your all your hard work.   :rupee
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 09, 2006, 12:26:28 am
I'm glad you got what you wanted and thanks for sharing it with us. Though, it would've been a lot less work for you to just Rapidshare it instead of uploading each image individually.  Anyway, +rep for your all your hard work.   :rupee

thanks a lot!  i'm afraid i haven't joined up with rapidshare yet (haven't really had the need to), but i may do that in the near future...  i'd hate to have to post 100+ links again...  O_O
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Meat on August 09, 2006, 12:48:36 am
I don't think you have to sign up unless the uploaded file exceeds 100mb. 
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 10, 2006, 11:31:53 pm
alright guys, since i'm a stubborn dumbass, here's a rapidshare link to make things easier.  this is my first one, so i hope it works... (

lemme know if everything goes ok!
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 14, 2006, 04:13:49 pm
*wonders if anyone noticed the much easier, one-link-only path that he posted so that everyone could download all the scans...*

* also sorry for posting the scary 100+ links earlier...*  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Ellendesu on August 14, 2006, 04:40:30 pm
*wonders if anyone noticed the much easier, one-link-only path that he posted so that everyone could download all the scans...*

* also sorry for posting the scary 100+ links earlier...*  >_<;

It's ok, I edited your post and now we've only got the one big link.

Oby Kaybe?
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 16, 2006, 12:47:12 am
It's ok, I edited your post and now we've only got the one big link.

Oby Kaybe?

heheh, sorry about that...  thanks.  ^_^;

hopefully more people will now be willing to download this as a result.  as i said earlier, Hyperguy and YTF, you guys are welcome to upload these to your respective galleries if you wish.  it's not exactly hentai (there ARE a couple of booby shots, but no pronz, sorry), more like a fanboy toy...  i just thought it'd be appropriate, i dunno...  anyways, gimme some feedback, guys - you don't have to be afraid of that damn hyperlink phalanx that i made earlier, lol.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Master of Ridley on August 16, 2006, 01:48:01 am
I had looked at each individual pic. Ah well.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 21, 2006, 01:52:44 pm
I had looked at each individual pic. Ah well.

whops...  eh, i guess it happens to the best of us every once in a while.

anyone else want to comment??  Hyperguy and YTF, i'm offering you guys something, i wanna know what you think!!!  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: BIG-K14 on August 21, 2006, 10:31:02 pm
I think it wasn't a bright Idea to put up a hundred links
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 27, 2006, 06:19:16 pm
I think it wasn't a bright Idea to put up a hundred links

well, I think you guys should start commenting about the PICTURES.  i know i'm a dumb-fuck for posting those gajillion links earlier - i made a stupid mistake and learned from it.  it won't happen again, unless for some reason i have a brain fart or something.

Hyperguy, YTF...  my offer still stands.  how 'bout it?
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Shichigusa on August 29, 2006, 01:07:57 am
I'm glad you uploaded this artbook. It's given me a rather nice amount of pictures of one of my favorite anime characters as well as explained some of the backstory in the series (even though I can't read Japanese).
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 29, 2006, 01:28:16 am
I'm glad you uploaded this artbook. It's given me a rather nice amount of pictures of one of my favorite anime characters as well as explained some of the backstory in the series (even though I can't read Japanese).

glad you like it!  cute Nanako avatar, by the way.  +1 rep for it, as well as for being one of the first people to give me some decent feedback on this art book, seeing how Hyperguy and YTF don't seem interested in my offer... (hint, hint)  >_>
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Shichigusa on August 29, 2006, 02:37:57 am
I'd raise your rep as well, but I don't know how. As for the avatar, I found it at an imageboard. It's an edit of a King of Fighters sprite, but I don't know who the original person is.

As you can clearly see by the user name and the avatar, I too am a Nanako fan.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Hyperguy on August 29, 2006, 02:48:01 am
Original sprite's gotta be Athena Asamiya.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on August 29, 2006, 12:16:48 pm
I'd raise your rep as well, but I don't know how. As for the avatar, I found it at an imageboard. It's an edit of a King of Fighters sprite, but I don't know who the original person is.

As you can clearly see by the user name and the avatar, I too am a Nanako fan.

raising a person's rep is easy.  just look for one of their posts, click "respect," then give your reason why you're praising that person.  same thing if you want to lower someone's rep, except you click "taunt" instead.  glad to see that there's another Nanako fan in the house!

Original sprite's gotta be Athena Asamiya.

Hyperguy??  hel-loooooo???  offer???  to have my scans of this book put in your gallery of awesomeness, as well as YTF's if he wants to?!?  are you interested at all?!?!?  O_O;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on September 08, 2006, 12:03:04 am
man, i guess no one really liked the art book that much, judging from the lack of posts here...  ;_;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Shichigusa on September 08, 2006, 02:32:22 am
Since this thread has a Nanako artbook, I might as well share some links to drawings I have found of her that I really like. It's hard to find fanart and good fanart at that.

This one is a link to a bunch of screencaps:
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on September 08, 2006, 02:53:35 am
Since this thread has a Nanako artbook, I might as well share some links to drawings I have found of her that I really like. It's hard to find fanart and good fanart at that.

This one is a link to a bunch of screencaps:

wow, awesome fanpics!  yeah, i've been to that animeomiyage site before, i think it's where i found one of my favorite pics of nanako: (

man, her tits looked nice in that one...  *gropes/chomps on them*  >=D

hmm, i guess we could turn this thread into an Amazing Nurse Nanako fan thread or something, since i'm not getting any feedback on that artbook i luckily obtained and slaved over trying to scan...  100+ images is a lot to do with my crappy-ass hardware.  >=(
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Shichigusa on September 08, 2006, 03:06:20 am
Here's two more. The first is a vector rendition (I think) of your abovementioned picture.

This next one is a preview skin for a now defunct mod for Unreal Tournament 2003.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: King Zarkon on September 08, 2006, 05:50:14 am
that vector is shit. the lines are way too thick.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on September 08, 2006, 12:19:38 pm
that vector is shit. the lines are way too thick.

i agree that the outlines could be softened up a bit, but otherwise, it's a nice conversion.  i'm guessing that was done with Photoshop or something?  i'm asking since i just recently did an assignment in my graphic design class where we converted a scanned image into a vector drawing in Adobe Illustrator.  that UT mod's pretty interesting, too...  if i ever get a new computer, i'd like to get UT 2007... that, and try to create some of my own Photoshop artwork...  *uses ninjutsu bitch-slap of doom on his cumbersome monitor*  >_<;
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on September 09, 2006, 12:42:29 am
i believe someone posted this fan-pic on the old forum: (

and here's a couple of cosplay pics i found.  not exactly OMG-HOTNESS, but not bad: ( (
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: Hyperguy on September 10, 2006, 05:58:50 pm
Hyperguy??  hel-loooooo???  offer???  to have my scans of this book put in your gallery of awesomeness, as well as YTF's if he wants to?!?  are you interested at all?!?!?  O_O;
PM me the details.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: tetsaru arigashi on September 11, 2006, 07:53:05 pm
PM me the details.

done, just check your inbox when you get the chance.  i just wonder if YTF'll ever notice...  anyone heard anything about him lately??... or importgamer, for that matter??  it just seems like they've gone AWOL or something; i hope they didn't lose interest in the forum.  =/
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: LordRyunson on September 11, 2006, 08:17:09 pm
done, just check your inbox when you get the chance.  i just wonder if YTF'll ever notice...  anyone heard anything about him lately??... or importgamer, for that matter??  it just seems like they've gone AWOL or something; i hope they didn't lose interest in the forum.  =/

I looked on YTF's page, and for some strange reason, he de-linked the button! I wonder if he's going to some other forum to look for a place to hang out. As for Import, well, I was wondering about him too! He was such a motivator when it came to me writing fanfics in which I am appreciated rather than rejected upon.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: HMD on September 11, 2006, 08:34:58 pm
They got made fun of. They left. They are very sensitive people.
Title: Re: something i'd REALLY like to have...
Post by: LordRyunson on September 11, 2006, 09:17:49 pm
So are some of us. Right now, I feel somewhat neutral about the whole thing.