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rare JASTUSA catalog that advertised Viper!


These catalogs were handed out at San Diego Comic Con International in 2006!!!

Yes that's right, a freakin SDCC! I was there that year like many years, and exhibitors from either a JASTUSA or JList booth (possibly both) were handing these out. Given that many catalogs/brochures or ads handed out at comic con dont even make it outside the convention center before being tossed, coupled with the age of this thing, I would go ahead and say that this is a one of a kind! Hell, I can barely find any physical JASTUSA or JList ads to collect at all.

I had a conversation with JG about this where I vaguely remember having a catalog that had a Viper V-16 image on it, and I finally came around to finding it in storage (pack rat here). True enough, Found it wedged between other catalogs from SDCC 2006.



This back of the catalog had the ad for Viper games with an image of Viper V-16's cover


I just checked, and only 1 was found and was sold on ebay last month! It didn't have the JList sticker covering the local San Diego retailer store, which leads me to believe the seller actually picked up a copy of the catalog there, makes sense since the seller was also from San Diego.

Neat. Though its technically JAST material, not Sogna. The game isn't even published JAST, its by Hobibox Europe. May have been included as a hook to get people to contact JAST or its distributors asking for more information, thus explaining the lack of price when every other one has a price in its listing.

I'd still be interested in buying or trading for it if you're willing to part with it. I would treat it akin to magazines that include VIPER advertisements.


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