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Viper RSR Memory Editor?

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I was wondering if any one ever seen this before, or knows anything about it

a Memory Editor for Viper RSR DVD-Edition? - CD Version - DVD Verison

--- Quote from: babelfish ---VIPER RSR (SOGNA) it is the memory editor.  Automatic operation renewal and the scene selection of parameter it completes in real time
--- End quote ---

This is how I interpret the text on the webpage.

Memory Editor for Viper RSR DVD-Edition (SOGNA)
Completed Scene Selection.
Automatically Updated Realtime Parameters.

Looks like it justs updates the registry saves to set the heroes to whatever experience level you want, to unlock which ever scenes you want, jump ahead or back to any part in the story, etc.

ohhh okay...  now that i come to think of it...  yeah... thats quite the bummer

So basically the stuff you can do with RegEdit, but easier? Great, wish I knew about it before all the time I spent fumbling with it to do that stuff manually. Incidently, I just found out recently how to modify your position on the map with RegEdit. Walking through the walls in Veloce's tower had always been a goal of mine. Can this memory editor do that?

lol, thats funny but educational, to you... i just quickly dabbled in the registry editor, 
i know that the 3byte of a gamesave, tells the game which scene to load of the first chapter, unless your further into the game
than it just ignores it

but the question is... would you spend money on money on a program that might not be in your own language?
thats what i would like to know... lol


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