Author Topic: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)  (Read 215929 times)


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #140 on: August 27, 2013, 03:32:04 am »
Mission mode is single player only?!

It was co-op in 2 :(


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #141 on: August 27, 2013, 07:51:16 pm »
It may be co-op (likely is), but since I didn't have a Wiimote active at the time, it started a single player mode game.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #142 on: September 02, 2013, 09:11:09 am »
I tried the Bingo mode yesterday, but leaving second player uncontroled.  I can see how this would be a nice little competitive game.
Only played first stage,b ut its clear there are some items that are unique in the stage, so you can mess up your oppoonent by collecting them and denying them any chance to making the bingo they were working on.  It was an incredily small stage though, so you end up running through each other's areas of control to collect your trophies.  Both fruit and enemy carcasses count toward your bingo card.

Also, Pikmin 3 just won Best Buy's @GAMER magazine game of the month.  That's a tall order for Nintendo games, as they almost always give it to some PS3 or 360 shoot'em-up.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #143 on: September 04, 2013, 12:31:08 am »
There wasn't much competition in August; Splinter Cell being the only other notable AAA release, unless you live in Europe.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #144 on: September 04, 2013, 07:23:43 am »
I'm enjoying Mario & Luigi: Dream Team more and that came out in August.  But other than rendering everything in 3D instead of using sprites, its not terribly different than Bowser's Inside Story, and still not as good of an overall game as Partner's in Time was.  Plus most of the special attacks (which should be the differentiating point within battles between games in this series) are damned near impossible to pull off, and if you don't do them right they do less damage than a regular attack, so you end up just not using them.  It also suffers from excessive loot, as about 1 in 5 enemies drops an item, so you never have to go buy mushrooms or nuts in shops as the enemies give you plenty.

So I can understand, for technical prowess alone, why Pikmin 3 won.

Also, I give a big thumbs down on Super Luigi U.  Nintendo really missed the mark here by taking a kids game (Mario series), lowering the price point to kid-friendly range, but ramping up the difficulty to a higher level than I expected.  Now, I knew it was going to ramp up to be eventually be harder than the original SMB U, but I didn't know it would start off at Star Road difficulty.  The first fortress (third level overall) killed me about 7 or 8 times before I beat it.  There's going to be a lot of parents who buy this for their kids instead of the easier (but twice as expensive) SMB U, only to find out that kids can't enjoy it.  The game packaging really needs to be labeled Experts Only, becuase right now, uninformed parents are going to look at two nearly identical packages in the store and pick the one that's half-price.  I'll return to it after I finish off Dream Team, but the preview play I gave it doesn't give me much hope.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #145 on: September 10, 2013, 05:32:39 pm »
Kids these days are a bit spoiled when it comes to difficulty, especially when you consider how notoriously difficult games were in the 80s (Ninja Turtles i'm looking at you).

All the PS4 and XBone news lately makes me feel a bit down as a Nintendo faithful. If the Wii U doesn't pull a miracle this holiday season, then there''s little hope the system will ever make a splash.

In the future i hope to see Nintendo combine their console and portable into one thanks to the accelerating advancement of mobile GPUs. Splitting the base between two systems isn't wise in an era where game development costs rival a Hollywood production.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #146 on: September 11, 2013, 08:53:30 am »
.. consider how notoriously difficult games were in the 80s (Ninja Turtles i'm looking at you).

Technically speaking, only the map with all the potholes on it is hard.  As I recall, that's the choke point, get past the few hard sewer levels in that area and you can get to Shredder without undue effort.  Agreed that it belongs in the pantheon of toughness though, since its relatively easy to get to that area, and then exceedingly hard to get past it.  I'd still rank Kid Icarus as much harder though - almost nobody could beat the first fortress, but if you could it gets progressively easier from that point forward.

All the PS4 and XBone news lately makes me feel a bit down as a Nintendo faithful. If the Wii U doesn't pull a miracle this holiday season, then there''s little hope the system will ever make a splash.

In the future i hope to see Nintendo combine their console and portable into one thanks to the accelerating advancement of mobile GPUs. Splitting the base between two systems isn't wise in an era where game development costs rival a Hollywood production.

I'm not terribly impressed by any of them this winter.  PS4 and XB1 will still be in such short supply to not really make a big dent in the market until 2014, and the game selection doesn't excite me me at all (call back when Halo 5 comes along.)  Nintendo's at least got Super Mario 3D World, a new Zelda, and Pokemon X/Y, so they should have a much better Christmas than last year.  Not sure how the new 2DS is going to fly though. Nintendo's naming scheme for consoles is causing confusion - non-gamers can't figure out the difference between Wii and Wii U, and there's likely to be same confusion between DS, 3DS, and 2DS (especially since no games will be labeled as 2DS, they'll all still be labeled DS or 3DS)

I'd like Nintendo to do more second screen gaming, which we're starting to see in parts on Wii U GamePad.  Unfortunately the GamePad is too bulky to really be considered 'portable', but they're on the right track and marching ahead of Sony and MS.  PS3-PSP/Vita integration never went anywhere (in part because of continued poor sells of PSP/Vita), and MS can't operate in this manner without first increasing market share of Surfaces or Windows Phones to supply the portable or second screen experience.  If Nintendo's 3DS successor can double the Wii U GamePads functionality, then you'll be where you want.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #147 on: September 23, 2013, 05:32:35 pm »
I really like the first Ninja Turtles. It's far more original than the gazillion fist-punchers the Arcade game spawn, but it's a great shame the difficulty holds it back from being a classic. I believe the choke point for most folks is the dam; i got decimated by the technodrome last time i played.

It's true the PS4 and XB1 don't have such a great launch line-up at least as far as exclusives go. The Vita is getting a second chance thanks to PS4 connectivity and a wealth of upcoming indies. On the weekends i go to my buddy's house to play games, and it's usually split-screen. One of my anticipations with the Wii U was off-screen multi, but only a scant few games actually use that feature.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #148 on: September 23, 2013, 05:52:42 pm »
One of my anticipations with the Wii U was off-screen multi, but only a scant few games actually use that feature.

I'll be shocked if the new Smash Bros doesn't.  3DS version has to in order to be multiplayer, so it stands to reason that the Wii U version should be multi-console as well.  If Nintendo blows the online multiplayer with Smash Bros then they have no hope fo ever catching MS and Sony in netplay.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #149 on: September 26, 2013, 04:12:04 am »
Playing against randoms online in Brawl was really, really awful; the netcode in that game doesn't even compare with SF4, which set the bar for decent netcode in fighters this gen.

Really enjoying playing through Galaxy 2 after a half a decade break (can't believe it's been since 2007 since the first one). Oh man, playing through what is the pinnacle of Mario makes me crave a Zelda game in this style (distanced perspective, mobility, SD characters, interactive environments).


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #150 on: October 02, 2013, 01:09:35 am »
Hey Hyperguy, what have you been playing since... what was the last game you mentioned? Deus Ex?

That League of Legends is steamrolling every other online game now; surely this is the game you're playing.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #151 on: October 08, 2013, 02:15:21 pm »
Anybody interested in doing their top 10 games this gen?


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #152 on: October 09, 2013, 09:31:20 am »
What do you consider "this gen"?  Do you put Wii or Wii U in it, or both?

Assuming you count Wii as "this gen", I think I'll go this way (and the main reason why).  Obviously Xbox, Wii, and 3DS heavy.  Subject to change.


10. Gears of War 3
Solid shooter with a very long campaign.

9. New Super Mario Bros Wii
The best of the 5 "new" series games.

8. BioShock
Engaging story and exceptional care to produce a consistent, art deco environment to pull you in.  Its proved that shooters don't have to be an arms race just to kill bigger baddies with bigger guns.

7. Halo 4
100% free online DLC multiplayer campaign that is better than the in-the-box campaign - everyone else charges you $30 for a DLC campaign half as good.

6. Xenoblade Chronicles
Really solid RPG, but unfortunately too much loot makes the game too easy.  Looking forward to the Wii U project by the game team.

5. FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
Still the most fun racer I've ever played, becuase destruction always beats speed and pretty graphics when it comes to fun.

4. Super Mario 3D Land
The best of the recent Mario 3D games (better than either Galaxy). Also, a simple, but really well done replayability system, in which you get a second set of worlds (for a total of 16) and get to replay all the stages again with Luigi after beating the game with Mario.

3. Kid Icarus: Uprising
Excellent replayability, unfortunately some of the challenges are way too hard or perhaps it would be higher. The fully voiced banter between Pit, Palutena, and enemies is great.

2. BioShock Infinite
Awesome story, and quite a good shooter too.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The best play control ever with Wii remote and nunchuk perfect as sword and shield, and not a bad story or challenge either.

Honorable Mention:

Epic Mickey
Use of familiar Disney characters in an upside down world is just enough weirdness to make things interesting.  Unfortunately, much too difficult to make the top 10 (especially for a game really intended for kids)

Stinkers (games that I had high hopes for that were terribly disappointing):

5. Duke Nukem Forever
As Duke says in the game, "I waited 15 years for this crap?"  Wouldn't have been a bad game if it came out 10 years ago, but today it feels old and gimmicky, not polished like the Halo, Gears of War, and Bioshock games are.  I actually expected the game to be half-bad, so thats why its only at #5 and not worse.

4. Donkey Kong Country Returns
Rotten play control. All the ground pounds required to stun enemies gets old by the end of of the first area.  Certainly wasn't going 6 or 7 more areas doing that garbage every other second.

3. Super Luigi U
Way too hard, especially at bargain price.  Nintendo is going to turn off fans who buy this instead of the visually similar, much better, but twice as expensive Super Mario Bros U

2. Mario Kart Wii
The entire point of the game is to be the one who is not hit by a shell or fall off the edge near the end of lap 3. Almost all other matters of skill are rendered moot. And the wheel controller is junk.  Series has rapidly descended downhill since the excellent Double Dash.

1. Sonic the Hedgehog
So full of bugs, it dropped from $60 to $10 retail in about 3 months. Not playtested well and clearly not ready for release. Sega should have known better having lived through the physics bugs of Sonic Adventure and rushed it just to cash in on the holiday season.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 10:23:35 am by JG »


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #153 on: October 09, 2013, 12:27:41 pm »
10. Lost Planet 2
  9. Lost Planet 2
  8. Lost Planet 2
  7. Lost Planet 2
  6. Lost Planet 2
  5. Lost Planet 2
  4. Lost Planet 2
  3. Lost Planet 2
  2. Lost Planet 2
  1. Bionic Commando


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #154 on: October 09, 2013, 06:30:03 pm »
What do you consider "this gen"?  Do you put Wii or Wii U in it, or both?

My original idea was DS/Wii/360/PS3, but it's probably better to go for a time frame: 2004-2013 (04 being the DS release year). No system restrictions.

JGOO: All that praise you're heaping on Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus really makes me want to get a 3DS (still holding out for a White XL). Considering DNF was on your top 10 list for 2012, i'm surprised to see that as one of your stinkers. Oh, and no DS games (not even one Dragon Quest)?!

Arizona: You spent a lot of time in multi in LP2, didn't you? I hope that's the Rearmed version of Bionic Commando you're repping :P

« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 03:36:05 am by Moquin »


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #155 on: October 10, 2013, 07:55:14 am »
My original idea was DS/Wii/360/PS3, but it's probably better to go for a time frame: 2004-2013 (04 being the DS release year). No system restrictions.

JGOO: All that praise you're heaping on Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus really makes me want to get a 3DS (still holding out for a White XL). Considering DNF was on your top 10 list for 2012, i'm surprised to see that as one of your stinkers. Oh, and no DS games (not even one Dragon Quest)?!

I didn't include DS, only 3DS.  Otherwise, of course DQ9 makes the top ten.  It probably should anyway since I had BioShock in the top, and that's older than DQ9.  If you want DS in, I'd probably put DQ9 at #3, Phantom Hourglass at #10, and knock Gears of War 3 and New Super Mario Bros Wii out of the top ten.

DNF is somewhat good becuase of quirky, rediculous fun (like riding around in an RC car when miniturized), but its a stinker becuase of the lazy shoot'em up parts.  And as you recall, it was in my top 10 for a single year, becuase I had only bought 10 or 11 games.

Super Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus: Uprising are must-haves for 3DS.  I'll also include Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.  The new Zelda will almost certainly go into that elite group as well.

I don't think there will be new 3DS colors.  Nintendo has dropped the 3D function and the clamshell design in the new 2DS model.  From what I read, 3DS is now a discontinued product.  They'll still make 3DS compatible games of course, becuase that's what the 2DS will play, but the new games won't take advantage of 3D mode.  Apparently the risk of lawsuits over childhood vision problems has dictated this transition.  So I doubt you'll ever find a White 3DS XL.  You could get another color cheap once the 2DS appears though.  (My 3DS is Cosmic Black.)


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #156 on: October 10, 2013, 09:17:32 am »
I'm only being somewhat serious of course, but yes, I do know Lost Planet 2 like the back of my hand. I originally only played it solo (more than once on multiple difficulties) and it's plenty good that way too.

I actually am referring to that Bionic Commando. It is a true tragedy, because there really is a good game in there.
From what I read, 3DS is now a discontinued product.
This is the first place I've heard anything like that. They just came out with a pair of special edition blue/red Pokemon X/Y 3DS XLs.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #157 on: October 10, 2013, 03:47:51 pm »
Not sure where you get your news JGOO, but the 3DS XL continues to be a top seller (with the Monster Hunter XL selling out fairly quickly in Japan recently). Plenty of smartphones now have 3D capability, so i doubt the risk of a lawsuit is Nintendo's biggest concern. The 2DS exists as a cheaper alternative for parents that happens to be conveniently timed with the release of the next Pokemon.

@Arizona  I do have a faint interest in trying Bionic Commando. The Rastafarian look turned me off to trying the game originally since it was a drastic change his iconic design.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #158 on: October 10, 2013, 05:09:23 pm »
Don't usually see the word "hazardous" used with video game hardware.  If 3D is dropped from 2DS, that tells me that new games will not rely on 3D as much, which eventually means the 3DS will be retired.  I may be speculating here, but I don't think I'm that far off the mark.  I really think the X/Y versions are the last.

And as far as your other arguments, smartphones aren't marketted to kids, and class action lawsuits aren't nearly as common in other countries as USA.  I think by moving entirely to the 2DS, Nintendo is covering their ass in case of lawsuit.  Giving up 3D in their games to avoid a multi-million dollar lawsuit is disappointing, but the right business decision.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #159 on: October 11, 2013, 01:47:03 am »
@Arizona  I do have a faint interest in trying Bionic Commando. The Rastafarian look turned me off to trying the game originally since it was a drastic change his iconic design.
It's worth the five dollars (or less) you'll pay for it. Hell, if you're a Steam person, it's on sale right now in a pack with Rearmed 1 for $2.49.

The aesthetics really do have a lot to do with its rejection. It looks fine graphically, great even, but the choices in certain places where it counts...hmmm. I remember when the early first image of Spencer came out when it was announced, I thought, "Oh, okay, so this is the new Bionic Commando", assuming he was a new guy and Nathan was his commander (lol) or something. But nope! Just weird, lame, undercooked ideas like that throughout, especially with the game's two big plot twists, which I suppose were there to make what little was there interesting, but go a long way in souring one's impression by the end.

Were it not for those things, I think more people would've been more willing to learn its mechanics (which are so fun, but take time to get used to) and it would at least be a cult classic. If only it had Rearmed 2's inspired art direction...

...speaking of which, it's too bad that suffered in the aftermath of BC's failure. It's fantastic.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 02:01:12 am by Arizona »