Author Topic: Ikkitousen xross Impact help  (Read 4355 times)


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Ikkitousen xross Impact help
« on: February 11, 2011, 07:45:04 pm »
Well Iv been looking all around and havent had luck,problly hopping to have it here.and hope that people do help me Ive been on a wild search chase and havent had luck.

well Iv been playing Ikkitousen and actually a big fan my self,but Iv been looking for the imges on gallary mode and cant find them.and then I try to look for a tutorial that can show me how to extract imges from PSP iso games,and nothing.

Im really desprest to get this imges sooo bad,so if some one can help or show me a tutorlai so I can try to do so my self witch cant cus I dont have my PC jejej.

plis help,this is the only place I havent try plis help.
Miki,#1 girl in VIPER CTR


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Re: Ikkitousen xross Impact help
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 08:38:46 pm »
I presume you'd have to be able to get the files out of the PSP ISO first, right?  I don't know anything about it but  I'd guess that PSP games are encrypted, so its not exactly easy.  The way I see it, you have to do the following steps.  If you can't do things higher on the list you can't go any further, so figure out step 1 and 2 before moving all the way to step 5 or 6.  Hopefully you can find the tools online to do each part in sequence.  I also assume you're talking about 2D graphics.  It's inconcievable to try to extract 3D graphics.

1. Decrypt the ISO.
2. Access the file system to get files. There's a good chance the ISO isn't encrypted but the individual files are, which makes it harder.
3. Identify which files are images. The images are probably larger files but not very large (the largest are probably audio or videos)
4. Determine the format of image files.
5. Extract each image from image files, if the image files contain more than one image (like animated GIF files do)
6. Decompress each image.  Fortunately modern games rarely use lossy graphics and there's less need to disguise the files on a game system than on PCs, so there's a fair chance the images are some simple format like BMP or raw pixels, or in some super-standard format like PNG.


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Re: Ikkitousen xross Impact help
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 11:29:14 pm »
I actually kinda know that,but Iv try to find tutorials and some tips on how to do so,and havent had luck at all.

Its kinda hard to try and do some thing with out the tools,so any tips on how still???
Miki,#1 girl in VIPER CTR