Author Topic: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)  (Read 253484 times)


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #180 on: December 11, 2013, 08:17:00 am »
To appease younger players (and their parents), who are far more likely to buy handheld versions than console versions.

Take note of other series where handheld versions are generally easier: Super Mario Bros (especially NSMB2), Metroid (Fusion is arguably the easiest), F-Zero (laughable), Star Fox, Luigi's Mansion, just to name a few.  I fully expect the new Smash Bros to be easier than its console counterpart as well, even though they'll be released at the same time.  Nintendo understands the market and generally doesn't try to fight it -- they give you Hero Mode instead.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #181 on: December 13, 2013, 11:01:47 pm »
Well, I wouldn't say it wasn't the least bit challenging. Yeah, it was quick and easy for me, but I'm also an adult that has been playing these games most of my life and particularly the one game that was used as a template for this one. It's not so easy that I think a newer player would be able to ace it quite as seamlessly. There were actually several puzzles that had to make me stop and think. The game does a good job of teaching you how its tricks work in a subtle "show, don't tell" way, and eventually leads to part where the only way forward is to look carefully for the clues and remember everything you've learned. It's not like other modern Zelda games where you get to those points and Navi or Fi or whoever jumps out to tell you those clues and remind you of the relevant past lessons, you actually have to figure it out on your own.

Unless, maybe, you put on the Hint Glasses and fork over a coin to the Hint Ghost, if there's even one nearby. I rarely equipped the Hint Glasses so I don't even know how many "I give up" options there even are, which is a design I'm grateful for. It gives the more casual players an out without overtly insulting the intelligence of the more experienced players.

If Skyward Sword was a step up in difficulty, it was really only in action-oriented skills. For exploration and puzzle-solving, any potential it had was crushed by its inescapable hand-holding. LBW is the opposite. Skill isn't as much of a requirement because combat is back to the oldschool overhead B-swings-sword simplicity, but exploration and puzzles are there to make you work for them again.

At any rate, don't worry about the Zoras. They're consistent with their LttP depiction: Creatures from the Black Lagoon that will normally just pop out of the water to spit fire at you, but can also be reasoned with enough that their leader can give you the all-important Flippers.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #182 on: December 14, 2013, 08:21:14 am »
I'm happy for B-button sword attacks and other buttons for items.  I disliked the stylus actions used in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks (except for the rare occasions when you needed to throw a boomerang in weird patterns to hit switches, then it was ok)

Yes the puzzles are harder in this one than the last several (I'd rate Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask as tougher, perhaps only those two), but most of the boss battles are rediculously easy, at least on normal mode.  Most you can just stand and slash away and you'll never lose enough hearts by taking direct shots from the baddie before you put it down.  It's really hard to die in this game compared to most Zeldas (though the same could be said for Skyward Sword, minus the first battle against Ghirahim [becuase you have so few hearts and no access to invulnerability potion yet] and the final battle against Demise [assuming you don't have invulnerability potion, which makes him much easier])

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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #183 on: December 15, 2013, 07:12:38 pm »
I'll definitely pick LBW latter, but right now I'm busy with the new Phoenix Wright and Fire Emblem: Awakening, which is awesome btw. There's so much to this game that I want to see how they plan on topping it with the next one. And although I disliked the idea at first, the DLC missions for the game are really good.
I like big bOObs and I can not lie!


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #184 on: December 17, 2013, 09:28:32 pm »
My Brown Thursday 3DS XL should be coming in a couple days.

REALLY want to try out the new Phoenix Wright, but really the reason i bought the system is to play Bravely Default; been waiting ages for a new entry in Final Fantasy that's good.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #185 on: December 30, 2013, 02:35:19 pm »
Anybody care to share their top 10 for this year? As always the only rule is that your list doesn't have to be exclusive to this year, as long as it is something new you played.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #186 on: December 30, 2013, 10:01:01 pm »
Aside from Zelda, the only other new game I played this year was Project X Zone, and I don't think I'd put it on a top-anything list.

I got Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, not having played the Wii version. I did play No More Heroes for the first time a few months ago and that was great. I downloaded the GB Color Shantae game after getting interested in the new Shantae Kickstarter and that was pretty good. Even older than that were Zork II and III. I played through the original trilogy for the first time last January, though I had already played Zork I as a kid. I'd say I even had more fun with that than PXZ.

Everything else I played this year were old games I played several times before -- classic Megamans, Gradius, Metroid, Zelda, and Doki Doki Panic which I'm counting as a replay of SMB2.

Don't want to make a resolution out of it or anything, but I kinda hope I get more time to play new titles next year.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #187 on: December 30, 2013, 10:20:20 pm »
All of these are genuine 2013 games.

Game not played but most wish(ed) to play: The Last of Us
I think I've seen enough previews to see that the story in this game looks excellent.  Too bad its a PS3 exclusive.  I'm hoping Sony follows Microsoft's footsteps and starts dropping the PS3 price so I can enjoy this one sometime in early-to-mid-2014.

10: New Super Luigi U
As I said before, its not a bad game per se, just originally marketted wrong, being far too challenging.  I don't mind hard if you work up to it, but don't start me off at hard, Nintendo: that gets old very fast.  Could have been a really great game had Nintendo not crippled it by being undisputedly the most difficult game they've produced in the last 10-20 years (with only F-Zero GX coming to mind, and this one still feels harder.)  Having it distributed with the more well-balanced New Super Mario Bros U fixes the problems somewhat though, as it would have been appreciated more if I could have gone back and forth between the casual NSMBU and challenging NSLU a few levels at a time. 2 of 10.

9: Gears of War: Judgment
I really like the Gears series, as it tells a much more engaging story than Halo does.  This ones just odd though, as if it tries to make a mystery/crime thriller out of a shoot'em up.  Which wouldn't be so bad if the clock weren't always against you.  So instead of safely taking cover and shooting the baddies from safe perches, you're too often reduced to running the gauntlet like so many other shooters, and missing the critical dialogue, which unfortunately makes it the worst of the Gears games for breaking the formula that made it unique.  I still liked it, just not nearly as much as any of the previous three. (And its primary competition this year absolutely smoked it.) 4 of 10.

8: Halo 4: Spartan Ops Episodes 6 - 10
The conclusion to the Spartan Ops campaigns that really make Halo 4 a great game, as the original campaign is somewhat disappointing.  Unfortunately, the second half isn't as good as the first half, with less interesting levels, and Microsoft failed to add the requisite number of crawlers to offset the number of grunts, elites, and other baddies they had. So while its easy to complete the challenges for other enemies, you end up at only about 10% completion rate on the crawlers, meanign you'd have to play through the few Ops levels with a decent number of crawlers hundreds of times to complete this task.  Better story and ending than the main campaign though.  Plus free: something other game producers should take note of when designing DLC content. 5 of 10.

7: Pikmin 3
Now were into games that I thoroughly enjoyed this year and find it tougher to fault.
Pikimin 3 is really spectacular in so many regards: visually its the most gorgeous video game I've ever seen; the Control Pad is perfectly suited to the game controls, and the abilty to command three different teams not only sets the game apart from the previous two entries in the franchise, but the beauty of the game is finding out how best to manage three crews concurrently. Unfortunately the game is far too short, there are not enough different environments to enjoy, and the boss battles, while not terribly difficult, just take too long (often more than 1 game day.)  It is also much too easy to 100% the game on the first try, so replayability sucks compared to Pikmin 1 and 2, which usually took a couple of playthroughs to master.  7 of 10.

6: Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
The Mario & Luigi series continues to be a great action RPG series, but this ones missing some of the magic of the previous two.  Entering Luigi's dreams is a nice 'alternate world' to the 'real world' the bros normally travel in, but it seems shallow and less free-roaming adventure than Bowser's Inside Story was (nor as funny.)  The Luiginary attacks, beyond the Luigi Ball, are also very difficult to control, to the point that the 25-50% increase in attack damage really isn't worth the risk of failing. And some of the challenges are just too damned hard (Perfect attacks/dodges 10 times in a row against the dragon? Are you kidding me!?) Plus Bowser and his new Dracula-like enemy friend just don't work.  Good game, but still not hitting the high notes that came with the best of the series, Brothers in Time. 7 of 10.

5: Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Unlike Mario & Luigi, this one is better than it's predecesor. Can't beleive it took Nintendo so long to bring out a new Luigi's Mansion game, as this one is very good.  Much longer and more involved than the previous installment.  I do miss some of the neat things you could do to bring the ghosts out of hiding in the original, like blowing out the candles.  You can still blow out the candles in this one, but it doesn't do anything but make the room darker.  The different types of ghosts and numerous bosses add to the adventure while  the boos form the originalwere more or less all the same.  The drawbacks are that it is not terribly difficult to 100% it on first playthrough, and if you're not rushing through the levels, you can collect enough cash to afford the max upgrades for your vacuum a little earlier in the game than should have been allowed if it were more balanced. 8 of 10.

4: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Good: classic controls instead of the funny stylus controls we saw in Phantom Hourlgass and Spirit Tracks. The Bad: Too reminiscient of the classic Link to the Past, to the point that hidden caves and even dungeons are in the exact same place.  If you haven't played Link to the Past, this would be a great adventure. If you have, its diminished by having some of the fun, adventure, and secrets spoiled in terrain you've already seen, with minor changes.  The overhead view makes excellent use of the 3D perspective though, the dungeons are completely different than before, and a few new weapons like the Sand Rod add a new gameplay element so its not a bad game.  But I would have been happier if it had not reused the Hyrule from Link to the Past and given us something new instead - I beleive it would have made for a better game. 8 of 10.

3: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD
This is what Wind Waker should have been 10 years ago.  While the graphics are not greatly improved, the increased resolution improves on Link's facial expressions as he runs around and adds subtle touches here and there (like grass waving in the wind.)  The new lighting engine makes a big difference though, as the shadows are far more realistic. Bad gameplay elements from the original are rectified in the form of a faster, easier to operate sail upgrade (that also eliminates the need to keep changing the wind direction all the time), an improved PictoBox, and the Tingle Bottle function that allows exchanging pictures over Miiverse so its far, far easier to complete the Nintendo Gallery than it was.  Unfortunately its also easier than the original, with enemies (particularly Darknuts) less agressive and enemies dropping more rupees than you need (further hurt by requiring Tingle to translate only three maps instead of eight.)  They added Hero Mode though to re-up the difficulty if desired. (Now that Hero Mode has appeared in Skyward Sword, A Link Between Worlds, and Wind Waker HD, it's safe to assume it's here to stay.)  I wish they did more with Knuckle, who had a minor part to play in the original but is practually absent from this edition. All his goodies are in the same places in the dungeons, but there are no in-game clues that they're there: just one of those things that Nintendo assumes people know about from previous play.  Still a much improved game over the original and the one I'd still rather see packaged with the Wii U consoles instead of the NSMBU+NSLU combo. 9 of 10.

2: Super Mario 3D World
Hands down the best SMB game since Super Mario 64, and arguably the best ever (which is saying alot).  They took all the elements of the four player NSMB Wii and NSMBU, gave each of the four characters unique attributes ala Super Mario Bros 2, and gave it fun 3D worlds ala Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 3D Land, without being disorienting like the Galaxy stages could be.  There are no overly difficult stages and few dull ones, and the new cat suit is an absolute ball of fun. They bring back so many other fun suits too, including Tanooki and Boomerang Bros.  Even Kuribo's Shoe makes an appearance in the form of a ice skate. There's lots to do in each stage (3 stars, a stamp, and capping the top of the goal pole) that demands replaying enough of them to 100% it, without putting these items in such hard to find places that every stage would require it. Nintendo's really found the perfect mix of everything that worked in previous installments, threw in the cat suit for pure fun, and delivered a truly exceptional must-have game. Tough to believe this is not the best of the year.  10 of 10.

1: Bioshock Infinite
This is the most well written, most carefully constructed game there has ever been. And the original Bioshock set the bar so high it's amazing how far this one surpasses it.  The graphics are lovely for a shooter, with realisitic physics (shoot a guy in the head and he flops backwards while his feet keep moving forward, enemies swing out as they ride the rails, etc.) and the environments are superb - every bit as detailed as the first two Bioshocks but less drab than the cold, underwater city of Rapture. With civilians about, you can see Columbia as a living city.  And Elizabeth adds real dimenion to the game by not just being a sidekick, but someone you come to feel like you need to defend, albiet one who doesn't aimlessly get herself shot and cause you to lose the game.  They wisely gave her AI to have her hide behind boxes but still toss you ammo or health packs when you need it.  Plus, if you're patient and let her walk around, she'll discover things in Columbia and provide an extra minute or two of enjoyment as she tries to play on the beach or explore the jars on a desk in some abandoned house.  It's a subtle touch that adds so much realism to her character and by extension, the coldhearted bastard you're supposed to be playing.  But as the mystery unravels in what is a fairly lengthy campaign for a shooter, it draws you in to such a degree that its really tough to let go. You keep wanting to play 5 more minutes to find out what plot twist will happen next. And just when you think its finally over, it drops the mother of all plot twists on you in the Best. Video. Game. Ending. Ever.  An ending that truly explains the entire Bioshock franchise, blurs the distinction between destiny and choice, and suddenly ties up all the loose ends of the story that you thought would go unanswered. Undoubtedly the Game of the Year to me. Play it if you haven't already. 10 of 10.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #188 on: December 31, 2013, 04:09:00 pm »
Aside from Zelda, the only other new game I played this year was Project X Zone, and I don't think I'd put it on a top-anything list.

Wow. We've got similar tastes in games. If you like Shantae then you should try out the game it unknowningly draws inspiration from: Monster World IV (cuter heroine and better gameplay).

Even though Grasshopper games aren't particularly good, they always deliver in the zany department, which is why i luv 'em. Coincidentally I also played Doki Doki Panic for the first time this year. Kinda surprised the modern Luigi was based off a female character.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #189 on: January 01, 2014, 08:12:57 pm »
I'm trying to remember why I went and found a rom of Doki Doki Panic last January. It seems kind of random. I know I also saw an episode of Game Center CX featuring it at that time, but I think it was after. I guess it would make sence if I saw the episode first and decided it was about time I found out first-hand just how much SMB2 evolved from that game.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #190 on: January 02, 2014, 02:27:12 pm »
All of these are genuine 2013 games.
Luigi U a 2/10?! That seems to go against all principals of what a Nintendo game should be, but i'll take your word for it.

No surprises on that list of yours (however your bottom 5 scores were lower than expected). I've heard so much fan outcry over Infinite, but despite the protest i'm a bit more interested in playing that game over the first Bioshock due to the interesting art style.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #191 on: February 04, 2014, 02:33:49 am »
Forgot to post my top 10 ;D

10. Donkey Kong 94
9. Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth
The game feels a bit unfinished, but it does so many original things that it gets a big thumbs up from me.

8. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
7. Tron Bonne

6. Vagrant Story
5. Xenoblade

4. Skyward Sword
3. Silent Hill

2. Virtual Boy Wario Land
Holy Mario meatballs! This game is amazingly fun (hands down the best in the series), gorgeous (graphical detail rivals arcade hardware), and very underrated. Shame Nintendo is never going to fund an emulator just for one game, but it really is that amazing.

1. Gunpoint
I love stealth games. That feeling of isolation and sneaking around brings chills down my spine (the noir-esque future oozes with atmosphere). I must commend the developer for writing not only a fairly compelling story but also some of the humorous dialogue i've read in a long time. Good stuff.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #192 on: February 07, 2014, 11:53:14 am »
Hey JGOO, you picking up Bravely Default? Got my copy already, although i'm too deep into the Wonderful 101. You should try that game out btw (the game is a lot better than the demo makes it out to be). It's wonderfully inventive, the combat is hella fun, and the character dialogue and personalities are surprisingly a lot like a good Pixar movie. I'm going to say that game is already going to up there in my top 3 three this year (and had i played it last year, would be my goty).


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #193 on: February 07, 2014, 05:41:27 pm »
Yes, I've heard Wonderful 101 is alot of fun.  I might get it when it hits the bargain bin later this year.

And yes, I just got home with the last Bravely Default my Best Buy had on the floor.  Will give more input over the weekend once I've absorbed it a bit.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #194 on: February 28, 2014, 05:48:18 pm »
It's a bit peculiar to see you play an old game, JGOO. Every time i look at whatever you're currently playing it's almost always something new. Anyway, didn't play the first Arkham, but i did get to mess around with the second game for about an hour. Gorgeous graphics and presentation, but very dull and repetitive combat from my brief playthrough of the introductory area. I'll pick up the game again in the future.

Just finished building myself a decently powered PC (have yet to purchase a videocard). Feels like i've got so many doors opened to me now that were not available when i gamed on my laptop. Right now i'm testing the waters playing a DS game on my HDTV (even though i own a DS and 3DS, i much prefer to get the full theater experience only available on a television) and it's quite amazing.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #195 on: March 01, 2014, 04:13:15 pm »
I don't have enough time to play every game I want, so I'm usually only playing the ones that grabbed me at some moment and won't let go.  There's been at least a half dozen games the last few years I've bought, and never even got around to even starting (Epic Mickey 2, Wii Punch Out come to mind)

Any game that dares me to finish it has to have enough interest to keep me going (something Arkham Asylum is starting to fade on), and also enjoy the benefits of not having another spectacular game come out right on its heels (Gears of War: Judgment was completely overrun by Bioshock Infinite last year.)

The reason you see me listing mostly new games is that when I finish one, and don't have an older game I want to start, I might do something else instead of playing video games, like reading books, or yard work.

By the way, I said I was going to write some thoughts on Bravely Default, and haven't yet.  I think I'll hold off on that until I've finished it, to see how it pans out.  The narrative's gotten all weird now that I've made it to chapter 5 and I don't know yet whether that's good or bad for the overall game.  I'm about 73 hours in (kindly ignore what I said about not enough time to play games ;D), around level 59, have 22 of 24 jobs, and all but maybe two of my buildings in Norrende are up to level 10 or 11.  One thing I can say, is that this game is not of the modern kind like Xenoblade Chronicles or a Tales series game, where just playing through it and not running from enemies will keep you sufficiently leveled up to beat the non-optional baddies without losing often: this is an old school game where you have to grind all the time. Easily spent half those 73 hours just leveling up.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #196 on: March 04, 2014, 06:08:04 pm »
I should add you to my Bravely Default friend list. Still on Chapter 1.

What's wrong with Arkham Asylum? After playing the W101 i don't think i'll ever play a superhero game as good as that one ever again. It's a very meaty action game... i've heard some folks compare it to Kid Icarus in terms of expansive content (still have a sealed copy sitting on shelf waiting to be played, perhaps after i'm done with Bravely).


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #197 on: March 05, 2014, 06:08:55 am »
Sure, if you need an extra builder for your town or a powerful attack for boss battles.

Chapter 1 or the Prologue?  Becuase that Prologue was six or seven hours itself.

Nothing's wrong with Arkham Asylum all that much.  Its just the fighting scenes have become repetitive.  And I spend too much time trying to figure out Riddler's clues which I can often only get "Partially Solved" without further reasoning for why its not solved outright.

Kid Icarus has a massive amount of content and variety.  And it pushes the 3D features to the max - it's THE killer app for 3DS.  You definately need to play it someday.


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #198 on: April 04, 2014, 12:48:51 am »
So who's picking up Mario Kart U day 1?


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Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Reply #199 on: April 04, 2014, 07:28:25 am »
Could care less. Double Dash (#4) was so excellent, while DS (#5) and Wii (#6) were so terrible that I didn't even bother to get 7 despite the good reviews.  Will need a playable demo before I go back to the series.