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Love Fetish games

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been digging into the files lately,
apparently the 'script.dat' files contain 2 interesting script files
one a script file in one of them 'skinchk.scp', which modifies the state of the female characters in game, permanently setting them in a certain state, (clothed, underwear, nude).

also, another one named 'test.scp', which just shows a menu and cuts to certain h-scenes, i guess it was used as a test.

just thought of a technique to lazily replace all the dialogue in the game without touching too much of the game's script and breaking all the jump points.
Which i might apply to the Viper's scripts as well.

Nice! Can't wait to hear more about using this on VIPER games. Would love to play RSR and CTR with a full translation.

Also interested. Particularly if you solve it for games 8-10 which use a different encryption than the earlier ones.

Also, the girl with ponytails is Suzuka, not Suka.

haven't looked at the later games in the series yet, but the solution i came up with was a simple one, the print statements in LoveFetish begin with 0x01, to end the print statements its 0x02, and its jump code is 0x15xxxx.
at the moment, since i dont know all the opcodes for the AGS engine, but i dont need to when i am not altering the positions of the codes. I parse through the scripts and gather the offset addresses
of all the print statements and their byte sizes (starting offsets, and ending offsets).
inject the jump statements at where there would normally be a print statement, append the new text at the end of the script file, then jump back to where you'd normally be.

--- Code: ---Line,StartingOffset,EndingOffset,JpString,EngString
0,60,90,公 志「うぉ……っ……!?」,""
2,183,205,女 性「クスッ……」,""
4,307,333,公 志「ええっ……!?」,""
6,382,434,公 志「あ、あの……いったい何なんですか……!?」,""
7,449,469,女 性「フフ……」,""
10,702,772,公 志「あ、あの……

--- End code ---

I'm sure we can apply this same principle to the Viper scripts, although i haven't tested it yet on Viper, but i dont see any reason why it wouldn't work.
although the only limitation i can see is going over the FFFF limit on the jump opcodes. I'm pretty sure viper can handle single byte characters, as opposed to LoveFetish which require you to conform to 2-byte Shift-JIS or the single byte characters have to be groups in multiples of 2.

--- Code: ---blue = original script code
green = english text
pink = jump codes

--- End code ---


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