As mentioned a few weeks back, I was able to bid for and win a large number of Japanese anime and game posters, the vast majority of which I don't desire to keep, but had to bid on them for a few VIPER posters I wanted. These posters arrived yesterday and there are 77 posters you guys (and gals?) can have at a discount. I have listed these below.
Here's how this is going to work:
Moge gets first rights to anything he wants. As co-administrator of the forum, he helps clean up the nasty spam that manages to gets through our human-test. I don't get enough chances to show appreciation for his help, so I'm giving him this courtesy.I have a potential buyer in mind for the Takahiro Kimura set. After Moge, they will have first right to these four posters.- All remaining posters will be offered on first-come, first-serve basis.
- Private message me if interested. Be sure to fully identify which ones you want. If you just tell me "3rd poster on 4th photo" I might not know if you counted horizontally or vertically. Be sure to include your ZIP code/country so I can calculate shipping charge.
- I will draft a PayPal invoice for payments. I will start discounting if you buy 4 or more posters. I can combine poster purchases here with items from the website's storefront page, and may even discount the posters if you buy stuff from the shop, but the unusual size of posters means I might not be able to combine shipping.
- Buyer pays shipping. I have a few shipping tubes and boxes and if interest is high enough that I need more, I may have to pass along the cost of a tube/box to buyer. (My local Staples is closing in about two weeks though, so I may be able to acquire some more at a vast discount.)
All posters are B2 size (about 29" x 20" or 51cm x 73cm); I have included a standard-length yardstick to illustrate scale. Apologies for light reflections or other quality defects in photos. In order to reduce the number of photos I tried to get as many as six into one frame - so I laid them out on my patio and the overhead light reflected off some. I could make better quality photos one at a time but it would have taken hours longer. Click the images to blow them up to larger size. (Or open into new window/tab for full size.) Most posters are in very good, like-new quality and I've identified the few with concerns. I've provided English names of the titles or company when easily translatable - I hope this is enough to follow up on if its unrecognizable to you as it is to me. Some of them are specific to a gaming-platform, like Playstation, and I've identified those as well.
GENERIC POSTERS:I'm seeking about $3 each for most of these. They are random stuff, most of which I've never heard of.

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
AIL, Charm-Riva - I have two of these posters
LarentiaAssemblage Coporation / Ather, 2000
Waku Waku 7, SUNSOFT, Sega Saturn - this poster is double-sided so I must ask $4 for it.Lost Universe, King RecordsAqua House
Anime/Game Posters for Sale
College Terra Story
Memories Off, Playstation
Chara Fes '99 - Not actually a game poster, but a promotion poster for the anime conventionEfficus, Playstation
???, MINA / MINA-soft - I have two of these posters
Sengoku Ace Episode II, ATLUS, Sega Saturn
Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Moon Light / Clear
Pixygarden, Playstation
???, Topcat
Wagamama Calamity
Ensemble vol 2, Playstations, Sega Saturn
Memories Off Complete

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Princess of DarknessGuardian Recall, PlaystationSeeIn AO, Alice Soft
RebirthEfficus, PlaystationTsuku Shite Age Chau 2
Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Castle Fantasia, Studio e-go
Film Noir, Sophia
Ignaju Crossgates Station
???, PiAS
LarentiaPaRa PaRa
Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Kitty on Your Lap, Playstation
Flore in the Flower Garden
Brandish 4Ensemble 2, Playstation, Sega Saturn
Franbelju no ???, Playstation
Active ???

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Star Platinum, AltairMilkyway
Growlanser, ATLUSMilkyway
Castle Fantasia
Toriaezu Air Plan Chu

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Cherry Beach
Noel 3, Pioneer
Love^2 Navigation, F&C, CocktailSoft
Gaurdian RecallRefrain Blue, Elf
MORE RECOGNIZABLE POSTERS:I'm seeking about $5 each for most these. They are from much more recognizable series. I anticipate being able to sell these on eBay much easier than the ones above, if not sold here.

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Slayers Try: Treasury BGM
Street Fighter Zero & Zero 2, Capcom - This is unquestionably the most attractive poster in the set to an American audience, so I seek $10 for it (and I'm fairly confident I could get that much on eBay.)
Super Real Mahjong P7

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Battle Athletes DaiundoukaiAzumanga RemasteredPia Carrot Youkoso 2, Sega Saturn
Sentimental Graffiti
Sentimental Graffiti 2, Dreamcast
Ys II Eternal / Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final ChapterTAKAHIRO KIMURA-RELATED POSTERS:Since he is a more famous artist, these will be pricier.

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
Milky Humming - $8. Only fair condition, paper seems a bit wobbly as if rolled and unrolled in opposite directions too often. Sadly, this is the poster in worst condition of the whole set.V.G. Custom - $8.Panic-chan - $5. Not actually by TK like most Panic-chan art, but Keiji Goto instead (who, if you didn't know, was the original artist tapped for VIPER-M3)Harlem Blade II: Dark Angel - $4. Yes, I know TK didn't do the art for HB2, but he did for HB1 so it's related (I've got an artbook for this game too if you want to buy both.)TO HEART POSTERS:About every sixth poster was To Heart. Since I've got so many of these, I'm willing to sell them for $3 as well, even though its a fairly well known series. Most are from a 10 poster "Another World" set that was sold one poster randomly per box (either these are store leftovers or the extras of someone who assembled a full set.) The full set of posters were shipped to me in eight of these boxes, about 10 posters to a box, so if you buy any of these posters, I'll throw in one of the boxes for free.

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
To Heart Another World: Akari Kamigishi [1/10]
To Heart Another World: Shiho Nagaoka [2/10] - I got two of these
To Heart Another World: HMX-12 [3/10]
To Heart Another World: Kotone Himekawa [4/10] - I got three of these
To Heart Another World: Ayaka Kurusugawa [5/10]
To Heart Another World: Aoi Matsubara [6/10]

Anime/Game Posters for Sale
To Heart Another World: Serika Kurusugawa [9/10] - I got three of these, but one of them has an "almost fold" in it and competes with the Milky Humming poster for worst condition of the lot.
To Heart: Chapter 5 Video
To Heart: Chapter 6 Video
VIPER POSTERS:These are my treasures of the lot. The VIPER-GTB poster I already own
and I'll list that one in the storefront soon (I'm thinking $13) but the other three are new to me and going in my collection. Ultimately I had to buy 81 posters (74 unique), just to get these. Had the seller offered these four separately I'd have easily snapped them up for what I paid for the total lot (and it would have saved me a ton on shipping.)

Anime/Game Posters for Sale