Author Topic: Chat room feature?  (Read 13538 times)


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Chat room feature?
« on: April 10, 2019, 08:03:08 pm »
I've been giving some thought to possibly implementing a chat room feature for the site, integrated with the forum to save on bothersome user registration and spam controls. Particularly, the Blueimp/Frug AJAX-Chat addon, though I'm open to alternatives. While it would be available to any forum member at any time, my primary goal would be to provide a monthly or bimonthly 2 or 3 hour chat session where fans can come in, ask questions, show off artwork, and handle other discussion of Sogna-related items in a more immediate manner than the forum currently provides.  I think it might renew some interest in the website, which has fallen off as the years go by and Sogna becomes less well known (in part because I don't update the site often enough.)  Thoughts? Concerns? Pros/Cons to share?

One thing I'd like to figure out is if it can operate in no-registration mode during these open chat sessions, but revert to registration-only mode the rest of the time. Will get more interest if people don't have to register first (and it may become a sort of try-before-you-buy deal to eventually get more people registered on the forum.)


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Re: Chat room feature?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2019, 06:11:55 am »
I wouldn't mind to have a more interactive portion to the site,
does it have a history feature though?
i mean like when you join the chat room, would it show at least the last few replies?
instead of joining a blank chatroom


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Re: Chat room feature?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2019, 05:29:23 pm »
2 to 3 hour sessions is too long for most of us to stick around. Best thing you can do is to get the existing base to casually post more. Would be convenient if you could make the shoutbox message input box side-by-side with the messages. Site could use a modern make over but i know that'll take a tremendous amount of work. I know you don't want Carrerachan back but implementing some way to see the latest images on the front page of the forum instead of having to dive into the threads will go a long way in encouraging people to draw and post more art.


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Re: Chat room feature?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2019, 03:48:52 pm »
I dont mine Chats at all in fact I like talking/text at time and would like to chat with some of u peeps since most of u dont have social media.

I rather as well advice "Discord" over a chat room, just a advice on my part but hay Im just advising, om ok with a chat room as well a Discord.

im just giving my thughts on this.
Miki,#1 girl in VIPER CTR