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VIPER Galleries / Re: Viper GTS?
« Last post by 黒い灯影 on February 09, 2025, 03:58:12 am »
might as well attach these too, with the correction sheet.
VIPER Galleries / Re: Viper GTS?
« Last post by Moge on February 09, 2025, 12:23:23 am »
Never seen that before :o
VIPER Galleries / Re: Viper GTS?
« Last post by Rai on February 09, 2025, 12:17:41 am »
Me neither. My recollection is that it was one of the harder games to get access to. I think I got a cd image once and got as far as the title screen, but either the actual game wouldn't work or the gameplay was something inscrutable without decent Japanese comprehension. In the end I just got downloads of the video clips, likely from here somewhere.
VIPER Galleries / Re: Viper GTS?
« Last post by 黒い灯影 on February 08, 2025, 11:59:55 pm »
Ahh okay, thanks, yeah.
I am not too familiar with those games.. lol
VIPER Galleries / Re: Viper GTS?
« Last post by Rai on February 08, 2025, 11:35:30 pm »
I think it's from one of the Gokurakus.

Edit: Yeah, found it. Gokuraku Red. I'd attach the video, but seems I only have it in WMV form which isn't allowed as an attachment.

Edit: Maybe this will work? It's a pretty low quality rip to begin with and I'm not used to converting video files, but it's what I got.
VIPER Galleries / Viper GTS?
« Last post by 黒い灯影 on February 08, 2025, 11:32:11 pm »
Anyone know where this is from?
maybe I just don't remember, but I can't recall this scene from the games.
Non-Hentai Video Games / Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Last post by Moge on January 31, 2025, 05:40:09 pm »
I played KotOR back in the day on the og xbox. Never finished it, but i enjoyed what i played of it. Bloated save sizes are a thing for all the big western RPGs. Looking at you, Bethesda.

I've had a mild curiosity to check out Kingdom Hearts since it seemed like the spiritual successor to Mana/Seiken Densetsu.

Metroid Prime 1 was such a revelatory experience for me back in the day. The music, the gameplay, the exploration... fps games never gave me that sense of wonder, but MP1 made me see the genre in a new light.

Brothership makes me happy that the M&L franchise is alive and well. Paper Mario never gelled with me, but M&L was closer to what i wanted, which was basically more SMRPG. Crossing my fingers for a real SMRPG sequel someday.
Non-Hentai Video Games / Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Last post by JG on January 21, 2025, 08:59:00 am »
I'm actually more disappointed in the April Direct bit than anything else. I was psyched to see the big blowout in February, and a launch in April or May. Now everything is pushed back two more months. That means at least two more months of low-interest* Switch 1 fillers, and at least one if not two or more fewer months of very exciting Switch 2 games.

* I'll give them credit that Xenoblade X is a great game to renew from Wii U/3DS era though. Far superior to Donkey Kong Country Returns Returns Again or the rumored Kirby Planet Robobot. When XCX first came out, all they had was one Xenoblade game behind them and the sharp contrast between XC1 and XCX was jarring. Now that they have many games in the universe, the wider concept is easier to understand. XCX never should have been released before XC2 and can be much more appreciated now than in 2015. The concept was just too much of an overreach for its time.

The investors don't seem to be very impressed either, with three days of stock price drops since the reveal. They've been led on about Switch 2 launching in 2024, then told to expect it early in FY2025, and now they're seeing an April date to even show it off for the first time, and still no solid release window. They want to see big profits from the new system and I think some of them are starting to get tired of this "not soon but someday" approach. Keep in mind that were this not the holiday quarter that just passed, this would have been Nintendo's worse three month stretch in a long time. They had no Pokemon game at holiday, and the three games they did have November, December, and January, are all very low selling. (October better, but one ten million seller in the year is several ten million sellers too short.) The holiday console sales helped rescue it, but they don't get that benefit in the coming quarter. The February-April timeframe is looking very grim. Xenoblade X is not going to be that big of a big seller, it doesn't even look like they'll have a February game short of a digital-only shadow drop, and we don't know what they've got for April. Investors want certainties. With so little to offer, short-term investors are pulling out, and the longer-term investors need some reassurance they aren't waiting until October or November to start seeing profits. It really won't help when they go into this February investors meeting, and see Nintendo revise downward the fiscal year units sold estimate again, closer to 10.5 million units, when they just revised it downward from 13.5 to 12.5 million in November.
Non-Hentai Video Games / Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Last post by Moge on January 21, 2025, 12:40:30 am »
Yes, the trailer was disappointing in that it didn't show much, but I'm gonna withhold judgement until the actual reveal in April. Anyone following any of the leaks in the past few weeks, there's nothing surprising about the hardware design. It really is just a iteration on the Switch, which is completely fine (for me at least). Nintendo's been stuck on 360 console power for an eternity, so i'm eager to see what they can do with more juice.

There's a lot of fervor that Nintendo's playing it too safe, which might actually be true, but the company has never been shy to experiment. Just look at their NSO exclusives. Some really good stuff there like Tetris and F-Zero 99.
Non-Hentai Video Games / Re: It's a thread! (Games discussion, etc.)
« Last post by JG on January 16, 2025, 07:02:30 pm »
So... that trailer.

Yeah. I'm very disappointed. I expected a showcase similar to Switch 1 reveal, show off the magnetic joycons and new kickstand, the larger screen, the mouse controls, several games, and some people playing together in different ways. We got part of the cosmetics covered, but the rest was severely lacking.

I don't know who in Nintendo could have thought this was better than the Switch 1 reveal, or even close to it. It failed to hit four marks I felt it needed to hit (which I'm reposting from elsewhere):

1. Improvements in both handheld and TV play. If you play handheld, the larger screen and joycons, an extra USB port, and sturdier stand were very enticing. But if you play on TV there wasn't anything new here. Nintendo failed to explain why the Switch 2 is an upgrade over Switch 1 for TV players any more than Switch OLED was over original Switch. Some mention of increased hardware processing capabilities or even showing off a Pro Controller would have been useful.

2. New gimmicks. Technically they showed the joycons move around as if they were mice, but we didn't see them actually used AS mice - there was no indication that moving the joycons around would move an indicator on screen. Perhaps a tease toward it, but not confirmation. Again, the casual viewer may just think this is a bigger Switch. Perhaps the two joycons racing around on a flat surface could have made for a stronger connection to computer mice if there weren't an actual racing game taking over the video a short while later. Did no one at Nintendo realize that racing joycons put next to racing karts buries the connection on mice pointer functionality? Not only did they not show the gimmick clearly, they even misused how it was presented.

3. Games exclusive to new hardware. Keen eyes can identify a new Mario Kart game, but does the casual viewer recognize it as new? I think many people could simply mistake it for Mario Kart 8 - I wasn't sure until I saw more than 12 racers because I'm not a big Mario Kart fan and thought we might just be seeing one of those Booster Pass courses. They needed a game (or several) that was unmistakably obviously made for the new console, and this wasn't it. The Mario Kart we saw in the trailer does not stand apart enough for non-Mario Kart players. And this was the only game!? Granted Mario Kart is the best seller, but its still only in the area of being owned by 45% of Switch owners. What about the majority of Switch owners who don't own Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Why didn't Nintendo show them something else? We didn't need to see 20 straight seconds of one game - we didn't see that long of a stretch for any one game in the Switch 1 trailer, which got the point across of having multiple different types of games much more clearly, and many of them we could more easily spot were not like the ones we had on Wii U. (For example, Mario Odyssey looks radically different from 3D World. Splatoon 2 being the only obviously confusing one.)

4. The leakers controlling the messaging. The 3D render through first half of the video pretty much confirmed everything the leakers said and offered no surprises, like an explanation of the mysterious C button. Most likely Nintendo is not ready to tackle that feature yet, but if they want to take back control and assure investors that the leakers don't actually know everything that would have been a good place to start. Including just a single game that everyone assumed would be coming soon anyway, also didn't really surprise. It seems President Furukawa will be grilled hard about the leaks and Nintendo's weak response to them in the upcoming February investors meeting unless they reveal more between now and then to take back initiative. April 2 is two months too late to regain control over the messaging. By then leakers probably explain the C button in detail, give us a full launch game list, and who knows what else. Its already out of hand, and Nintendo not only didn't takeback control by showing something novel, they basically conceded the leakers have them by the throat.
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