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NEW VIPER (Posible project)

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So yeah, Im maybe thinking of making a VIPER per say story.... Series.... game (No)

Dont pay much attrention on the "TITLE" I gave the Story, just a place holder, This is more like a side project I wanted to do for well all u people. I been here around for some time and I first descover this place due to Miki and only reason I´m in a way like in this community. Do like VIPER and the girls and learn a lot over time. I been drawing like for ever and really change my style around time but, do thing the styl I have is the one I love and will keep, could not be some people fave style and its a valit point.

I only have made ONE original Viper character a VERY long time ago so I have made something for this web site and will like to do more, and tbh my only way to make stuff is just draw imo.

I know that Asukachan is working on his/her project VIPER CCR, do recomend suporting that user, his art is AMAZING over and has show love for the Viper series and the VIPER CTR Story. I my self am mostly just a looker, I havent play any Viper games at all and like the girls and animation sceens. If I do make this happend, it would be just NEW character. I dont think I can make justice to the PERFECT VIPER girls and due to my art style I dont wanna down grade the charactes or butcher them.  Mostly rather work new original characters, as much as I love to make a Miki Sotorry, Anri Story or Cala Story do think I could NEVER match the art style on the girls.

This is the interstiong part tho, I would love to all to participate. I cant animate so dont expect it at all (maybe some day) so mostly stills. If some up the challeng let me know. Would like to make character that u all can advices or maybe us some of my OC.... I mean I dont think I would mine at all. As well story, what story could I make if u all have Ideas, adventure fantasy Is like what I like but also have some other Ideas I can present depending on the participation.

I just want ppl to participate and give feedback and advices, I always wanted to have like cooperation of the communty if u all wanna take part so do think about it.

Im will to put this in my top 3 project to work on but, I really do wanna see ppl take part in this or intrest on it, as u all know I got a lot of stuff to do but in my times off I try to do art stuff. This could take time but, if pple wanna  put there part Ill get inspire to continue this for sure.

All think about it and let me know, do hope u all take part in this tbh.

This sounds interesting. I do love more Miki.

Not planing on making Miki tbh, I just cant get that style and do think its original work is perfect.

One thing I'd like to have seen if Sogna was still around is one of these all-stars gacha team combat games. You'd start with one character, and the more you play the more points you earn toward playing the gacha to earn additional characters. All the characters would be a bit different, such as Akira being close-range physical combat, Raika being a long-range pistoleer, Cala being part combat and part magic, Karin being entirely cheerleader support, etc. The better your team, the better missions you can undertake to earn more points toward better gacha results. Missions would be things like saving the town in Alitalia or infiltrating the alien spaceship. Donarghe monsters and other underlings would be your typical grunts, with major story bosses reprising role as mission bosses.


--- Quote from: JG on April 17, 2024, 09:23:31 am ---One thing I'd like to have seen if Sogna was still around is one of these all-stars gacha team combat games. You'd start with one character, and the more you play the more points you earn toward playing the gacha to earn additional characters. All the characters would be a bit different, such as Akira being close-range physical combat, Raika being a long-range pistoleer, Cala being part combat and part magic, Karin being entirely cheerleader support, etc. The better your team, the better missions you can undertake to earn more points toward better gacha results. Missions would be things like saving the town in Alitalia or infiltrating the alien spaceship. Donarghe monsters and other underlings would be your typical grunts, with major story bosses reprising role as mission bosses.

--- End quote ---

Sound intresting even tho tbr, never played a gotcha game.

tho I have to like fine out new character and kinda a story, got ideas????


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