Forum > Hentai Games

Injuu Gakuen (La Blue Girl)


I'm wondering if anyone knows where you could find the Injuu Gakuen School of Lust PC-98 game? I've been looking around for it, but can't find it anywhere. I'd love to have a physical copy of the game, but if not then a download would be fine. I always like the artwork and character design (especially Miko Mido) from the game versus the hentai anime series. Anyways, any help would be awesome. Thanks!

I'm not sure about a physical copy beyond Yahoo Auctions, and currently I don't see one there. Might need to wait and hope. For future searching, it might be useful to know what the box and such looks like if you don't already, so here's a record of an old auction that has a lot of photos.

As for a download, here ya go:

This has disc dumps, another set of disc dumps (likely no difference), and a pre-installed HD file.

That is awesome! Thanks!

Moge: is secretly the best place to download roms for old systems.

Every rom download here is listed by publisher, so you have to do a bit of sleuthing first (i go to mobygames for that).


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