Forum > Anime Discussion

Anime /(^_^)/


If the case, what are you guys watching lately? I'v been following Death Parade(love the opening), Tokyo Ghoul, Parasyte(never saw the old manga /shame) , I'm still into freaking One piece. Aldnoah Zero etc What upcoming anime your waiting for? A for me,Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu. Never read the novel tho.Dunno what to expect.

Currently i'm watching Hunter x Hunter. Holy smokes is it brutal at times! I was kinda expecting a retread of Yu Yu Hakusho (well, it kinda is), but the violence level is more on par with Full Metal Alchemist (not Brotherhood). Great writing and very suspenseful.

The only other anime i've been watching is One Piece, but only the dub releases from Funimation. The releases have been agonizingly slow since they've hooked back up with Cartoon Network.

I watch One Piece in japanese(with subtitle, of course).  Never saw Hunter x Hunter but heard good things.


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